So now that you have the format pattern ready by choosing one from those four, let us assume that you are using the Full format. 所以通过从四个类型中选择一个,您已经准备好了格式模式,让我们假设您使用的是Full格式。
Convert this data into a format recognized by Workbench ( for example, Workbench recognizes CSV or XML obeying a certain pattern). 将这些数据转换为Workbench能够识别的格式(例如,Workbench能够识别符合特定模式的CSV或XML)。
The Format date function also contains a pattern to specify how the given date and time will be formatted. Formatdate函数还包含一个模式,指定如何将给定的日期和时间格式化。
The next step is to render this format pattern to the client side for the use of hxclient. 下一步是将该格式模式应用到客户端,以使用hxclient。
This table concentrates on the aspects that have the largest effect on granularity, namely abstraction, data format, transport independence, interaction pattern, and mediation. 此表的重点在对粒度有最大影响的方面,即抽象、数据格式、传输独立性、交互模式和中介。
Each type of format can take a numerical argument as well, to tell the formatter how to properly apply the pattern. 每一种格式都会用到一个数值实参来告诉格式化程序如何适当地应用模式。
Build a regular expression that describes the expected value format and put it in the pattern attribute. 构建一个说明所期望值格式的正则表达式,并将其放到pattern属性中。
In the sample code, from time to time we need to get locale information on the server side to generate the format pattern. 在例子中的代码中,我们总是需要得到服务器端的场所信息,以生成格式模式。
The dateFormat parameter tells the method which format pattern to use. 参数dateFormat显示了格式模式使用的方法。
From the format and techniques of the artwork, they are typical western abstract drawing, but from the simple pattern, it's never hard to see the "Chinese" in side, they are purely Chinese gene. 从这些作品的形式、技法上来看,它们是典型的西方抽象画;但是透过这些“外简内丰”的图式,更容易看到内在里的中国内容,它们是纯粹的中国文化基因。
InfoQ: The "correct" format for documenting a pattern ( e.g.Full Alexander, Gang-of-Four) is still a controversial issue. InfoQ:记录模式的格式怎样才“正确”(例如,FullAlexander,设计模式四人组)仍然是有争议的问题。
Gloves pattern information processing software consists of pattern edit, digital file format transfer, read/ write of EPROM and storage of pattern. 手套花型信息处理软件由花型编辑、数据文件格式转换、EPROM的读写操作和花型的存取所组成。
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of integrative task in the classroom tests theoretically and empirically, trying to explore the reliability and validity of the self-designed quiz and final achievement test with different test format ( half-subjective pattern, exactly the gap-filling) employed. 本文主要研究了将综合测试题型纳入课堂语言测试的可行性,旨在通过引入新题型以研究其对自行设计的课后小测验和期末成绩测试信、效度的影响。
This model is built on Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format and Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol and Proxy Pattern is used during its design. 该模型是以IDWG提出的入侵检测信息交换格式和入侵检测交换协议为协议基础,设计上主要利用了代理模式。
In the system design process, we adopt XML message to unionize message format, use the design pattern of Reactor improve the modularization and reusability. 系统采用XML定义消息,统一了消息格式;采用Reactor设计模式,提高了系统的模块化和可重用性。
In the individual feedback format, decision behavior sequence demonstrated a phase-related pattern of "cooperation-competition-cooperation". 在个人信息反馈方式下,决策行为表现出合作竞争合作的阶段特点,而四种决策条件下的条件行动策略联结呈现出分布式和阶段变化的特点。
XML ( eXtensible Markup Language) is a kind of meta-markup language, which provides a format that describe data. Through the transform between XML and relationship data pattern, different data pattern can be unified and the heterogeneity of data source can be cleared up. XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,可扩展标记语言)是一种元标记(meta-markup)语言,通过XML与关系型数据模式的转化,可以消解数据源数据模式的异构。
Protocol analysis makes use of message format information of data packets, refers to the concrete protocol standard, and deeply detects the implicit attack of messages based on protocol state, then detects the abnormal messages in terms of the way of pattern match. 协议分析,就是利用协议数据包的报文格式信息,参照具体的协议规范,根据协议状态来详细的检测报文中隐含的攻击,对于认为异常的报文,再按照模式匹配的方法去匹配攻击特征。
In urban rail traffic system, the urban monorail transportation is a typical format, Japan and other developed countries have many circuit with the pattern. 在城市轨道交通系统中,跨座式单轨交通是一种典型制式,日本等发达国家有很多线路采用该种制式。
The storage format of a functional model and the structure of functional model database are also been studied in this thesis. The function of model is set as the keyword of functional model database. A model-selecting algorithm based on fuzzy pattern recognition is brought forward here. 本文还就单个功能模块的数据存储格式、功能模块数据库的组织结构进行了研究,确定了按照模块的功能进行分类和检索的模式,并提出了基于模糊模式识别的功能模块选择方法。
The author studied the format, pattern and appellation of the literature. We did a lot of textual research on cited person and cited book on basis of record of literary and history and bibliography and comparison of text. 本文不仅就其引书形式、引书方式、称引方式等进行了阐述,而且在文史记载、书目著录、条文对比的基础上,对引人、引书做了详细地考证。
The format include many elements, such as the specify work pattern, provide data, save data and so on. The evaluation situation can be described, and the automatic evaluation of the cryptographic algorithms is achieved. 该格式包括指定工作模式、提供数据、保存测评结果等标签,可以对密码算法测评的情况进行描述,实现密码算法的自动化测评。
Directly encode the video which is captured from the acquisition equipment to streaming media format file and release throuth streaming media pattern, not only can effectively save network bandwidth, but also can support real-time on-demand. 将前端采集设备采集的视频直接编码为流媒体格式文件,通过流媒体方式进行发布,不仅能有效的节省网络带宽,而且可以支持实时点播。